
Our partner network drives our vision: to seamlessly integrate GRC and frontline governance into modern digital business management. We forge enduring, mutually beneficial partnerships rooted in trust and top-tier performance and thrive on sustainable connections that breed success for both parties. Reach out to us today to explore your unique business case.

Revenue Growth
Access to a lucrative market segment with a high demand for GRC and frontline governance solutions, leading to increased revenue opportunities.
Expanded Portfolio
Enhance your service offerings with our cutting-edge GRC and frontline governance software, attracting new clients and retaining existing ones.
Competitive Edge
Gain a competitive advantage by offering comprehensive GRC and frontline governance solutions, setting your services apart from competitors.
Co-Marketing Opportunities
Collaborate on marketing initiatives to expand your reach and leverage our established brand for joint promotion.
Partner programmes
Affiliate Partner
Affiliate partners use their network and industry knowledge to bring prospects and potential customers to our attention. If the link results in a customer relationship or other valuable relationship, affiliate partners receive compensation for their efforts in relation to the value of the link.
Consulting Partner
As a consulting partner, you provide complementary consulting services for our products and services. The generation of potential customers ideally takes place on both sides, whereby customers with a need for consulting or a product solution are referred to the other partner.
Reseller Partner
As a reseller partner, you are a licensed sales and marketing partner. You will be responsible for organising the entire sales process, starting with the generation of potential customers through to product launch and software support. Prerequisite is a stable and experienced sales firm.
Why partner with us?
Become a partner and and utilise our dedicated partner section to streamline your clients' compliance requirements with an all-in-one solution.
For more information on how to become a partner